After work, not everyone is able to spend the evening in an atmosphere of relaxed tranquility. Household chores, chores with children and communication with loved ones also take a lot of energy. Effective recuperation after work will help you recharge and fully relax.

- - aroma oils;
- - mastering meditation.
Step 1
Plan your day so that after work you have half an hour just for yourself. When you return home, do not go straight to your household chores. Be sure to take a shower to wash away the fatigue and negative energy accumulated during the day.
Step 2
Meditation is great for relaxation and rejuvenation. If you are far from this philosophy, start from scratch. Get into a comfortable position, close your eyes and try to let go of all your thoughts. Listen only to the breath, imagine how the flow of life-giving air enters your body, saturates it with energy, and then carries away fatigue and irritation. Be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to concentrate right away, but gradually you will begin to feel the miraculous power of meditation.
Step 3
Get enough sleep. Set your own sleep schedule that will make you feel the best. On weekends, try to lie in bed a little longer, and then spend the morning in a leisurely and relaxed atmosphere.
Step 4
2 hours before bedtime, try not to eat anything so that at night the body does not waste energy on digestion. Take yourself a half-hour walk in the fresh air or do a simple yoga set. Take a warm bath with sea salt and aromatic oils an hour before bed. Essential oils of lavender, ylang-ylang, sweet orange will help you relax and rejuvenate.
Step 5
To recuperate, it is important to be able to switch. Even if you think about business during fitness and relaxation procedures, your brain still continues to work at full capacity. Try to completely distract yourself and forget about business. Read an interesting book, watch a light movie, play with children for at least half an hour. A charge of positive energy will be provided to you.