Pocket Money

Pocket Money
Pocket Money

Many parents ask themselves questions: why does a child need money at all, when it is best to give it to him and for how much. Such questions sooner or later worry all parents.

Pocket money
Pocket money

What is pocket money? First, it is a certain amount of money that is given to the child at his complete disposal. Pocket money plays a very important role. At the very least, they allow the child to feel more mature and more responsible, and this is already a lot. If at least from time to time the child is unable to buy himself what he likes, he may experience negative emotions about it. As a result, he may develop greed or envy for the rest of the children to whom pocket money is given.

Parents who are against pocket money believe that the child is still small, and that is why parents should buy things for him. Why? He himself is not able to make the right choice, so it is best to relieve him of such responsibility. In addition, if you give him even the smallest pocket money, he can become capricious and spoiled. Other parents think pocket money is necessary.

Both parents are right, but the best in this business is the golden mean. First, there is no need to give pocket money to a child if he does not go to school. After all, preschoolers should play games, not count income. If you think that the child is already ready to receive pocket money, make sure that they become concessions to his blackmail, otherwise the young "blackmailer" will realize that he only needs a little push to get the money.

The amount that you will give to the child depends entirely on the family's income, but do not forget that pocket money, by its definition, should not be large. When a child receives money for personal expenses, he should also have some responsibilities, because if he believes that he is able to manage money, then he has already grown up to certain household chores.

But at the same time, one should not forget that pocket money should not be tied either to grades or to assignments, because this is fraught with the fact that the child will not take out the trash or learn history, because he was not paid. It is best to reward his good behavior. In addition, by doing this, you popularly prove to him that money is really earned, and not given out just like that.

You should not try to pay off the worries and problems associated with the child with pocket money. This rule is usually followed by business fathers who do not want to spend time and energy raising children.
