There are quite different opinions among parents about pocket money. Some are quite calm about this, while others are sharply negative. At what age can a child be given money?

A child is ready for the fact that you give him money when he clearly understands that money is not taken out of thin air, it needs to be earned, and this is not always easy. If your child goes to the store and always brings change, if he asks you for money and clearly understands why he needs it, what he will spend it on and understands the meaning of this purchase, then this serves as a signal that the child is ready to receive pocket money …
You shouldn't give your child money before he goes to school. It is better if he thinks before school about how to play with friends, and not about where to spend money. A child can ask his parents for even more money, in no case should he give in to it. If you once got hooked, the child will understand that it can be done to you again. Therefore, you do not need to give your child a lot of pocket money.
If you think it is too early to give your child pocket money, explain the reason to him reasonably. If you have chosen a financial way of rewarding a child, if you give him money for an A, or if you also reward him with a ruble for helping with the household, then be prepared for the fact that the child will get used to doing everything for a certain fee. You will gain knowledge for the sake of money, helping around the house not for the sake of help, but for the sake of money.
When giving pocket money, limit the child in time, tell him that it is for 3 days. If the child spends them earlier, then on other days he will have to do without cash. Thus, he will become accustomed to planning expenses. Also prepare your child for the fact that he will soon have to earn money on his own. If the child wants to buy some big thing that is expensive, then offer him to save and try to accumulate the required amount. Then your little one will understand that he needs to do something first before getting what he wants.
Thus, children can be trusted with pocket money, but it is important to determine whether the child is ready for this step or not. In any case, only by receiving personal money will the child learn to make decisions on his own, manage them, save and save.