Avoiding Night Feedings

Avoiding Night Feedings
Avoiding Night Feedings

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Breastfeeding a baby has many advantages over artificial feeding. Here are both health benefits and immunity. It also helps to establish a close psychological bond between mother and baby. Sometimes night feeding turns into a burden. Due to the need to get up to the child several times a night, the woman gets tired, experiences constant lack of sleep, and gets irritated.

Avoiding night feedings
Avoiding night feedings


Step 1

Do not listen to the advice of mothers and grandmothers: “Let him shout. Don't come near, don't give your chest. Cry - calm down! This is a very dubious method, as it can harm the baby's psyche and cause serious neurological disease in the future. If your baby is younger than a year old, try feeding tightly shortly before bed. Then his body will digest food for most of the night.

Step 2

If your child's frequent waking up at night is due to teething, apply a special gel to the gums. It reduces itching and pain.

Step 3

Try to pay more attention to your child during the day. Frequent waking up at night can happen precisely due to the fact that in the daytime the baby simply did not play enough with his mother, did not feel her presence. Therefore, whenever possible, carry the child in your arms, touch him, talk.

Step 4

If a child is older than a year, he already begins to understand the words of an adult. Therefore, it can be soothed without overnight feeding. When he wakes up crying or just whimpering, try to speak to him in a quiet, gentle voice: "Hush, hush, I am near, I am with you, there is nothing to be afraid of." Try to rock without giving up your breasts. As a rule, after a while it begins to act, the baby requires less breast and falls asleep faster and faster.

Step 5

It is very important that a woman at least sometimes be replaced by a husband. After all, a child at this age wakes up mainly not for feeding, but because something bothered him. Dad can successfully replace mom by rocking the baby and singing lullabies to him. And the child will quickly get used to the fact that it is possible to fall asleep at night without breast milk. But, of course, if the baby persists in crying, the mother will have to get up and feed him.

Step 6

Often the child wakes up at night, because during the superficial sleep phase he did not feel the presence of the mother. When putting your child to bed, stay with him for at least 20-30 minutes and only then quietly leave. In this case, the baby, feeling the presence of the mother, will fall asleep better.

Step 7

If you decide to wean your baby from night feeds, do it gradually, reducing the number of approaches to a minimum. A small child has a developed sucking reflex, so at night he may require exactly the object of sucking. Try giving him a pacifier, maybe he will calm down and fall asleep.
