In the life of any nursing mother, there comes a period when it is time to wean the baby from night feedings. At the age of six months, a baby can easily do without food for six hours. During this time, the child's nervous system should be fully restored, and the mother's sleep should also be complete. After all, her well-being in the daytime depends on it. The very process of stopping night feedings should be absolutely painless for both the baby and the mother. It should pass in stages and gradually, for this you need to adhere to several tips.

Step 1
The period of abandonment should be chosen when the child will not be weaned from the mother during the day. More affection and tenderness during the daytime, and the baby may well not seek mother's attention at night.
Step 2
In order to prepare as much as possible for the process and completely painlessly wean the child from night feedings, it is necessary to make sure that the baby gets enough food in the daytime. By the age of six months, the child begins an active pastime, so there should be enough food.
Step 3
In the evening, before going to bed, you can offer your baby something to eat. To do this, you can even wake him up if he fell asleep. At night he will be full and sleep will last a little longer.
Step 4
At nighttime feedings, both portions and feeding times should be gradually reduced. In the early days of refusal, you should try to maximize the interval between each feed. If the baby sleeps with the mother, place a rolled-up blanket between the baby and her. This way he will feel the smell of mom less and ask for food.
Step 5
By reducing the number of meals, you can quickly wean your baby from night feeds. It is necessary to come to the conclusion that once again the baby falls asleep without a bottle or mother's breast. To do this, you need to stroke him on the back, calm him down, talk to him. Quietly, but firmly, it must be said that "we will sleep a little, and then we will eat." In most cases, the child, after several such motion sickness, sleeps quite peacefully at night.
Step 6
The scent of the mother has a great effect on the baby. Therefore, an effective way to give up nighttime feeding is to help the dad. Dads most often manage to calmly put the child to bed. The kid is less nervous and falls asleep very quickly in his father's arms.
Step 7
This method works for those parents who use artificial feeding. The mixture must be diluted with water in such a way that in the end there is only water in the bottle.
Step 8
All of these tips are acceptable to those parents who really want to wean their baby from night feeds. Tips do not apply to the period of the baby's illness, teething. But there is a certain part of parents who are quite comfortable with feeding their baby at night, and this does not give them any discomfort. The closeness of the baby, the very unity when feeding, pleases many mothers. And they believe that he himself will gradually wean himself from night feedings.