Human milk is ideal nutrition for a baby: in terms of its composition, it best meets the needs of a growing body. Each mother decides for herself how long to preserve this priceless gift of nature, but sooner or later the need to wean the child from feeding still arises.

Step 1
Stop feeding on demand. The older the child is, the easier it is to do this. The child must be brought up in such a way that he is aware that he receives the breast only in those cases when the mother permits it, and not when he wants to.
Step 2
When trying to wean your baby from feeding, do it gradually. Start by avoiding lunchtime breastfeeding. With the introduction of complementary foods, breast milk ceases to be the main source of nutrition, so breastfeeding becomes more of a calming moment. During the day, it is quite possible to switch the child's attention to more interesting activities.
Step 3
The next step is weaning off morning feeds. Moreover, after waking up, it is much easier to do this, since the child is surrounded by many interesting things.
Step 4
The hardest part is weaning off breastfeeding before bed. Children get used to falling asleep with their breasts and in this case there can be no universal recommendations for action. Some are helped by other family members by placing the baby, while others are trying to replace the breast with a bottle of water.