Breastfeeding a baby is a guarantee of his health. It is also this kind of meal that creates a close relationship between the baby and the mother. But one day the moment comes when you need to start weaning your baby. It is very difficult to experience it. But it is imperative to wean. And the first thing that a mother needs is to be patient, and also to choose the most convenient way that will help teach the child to fall asleep without breast.

Step 1
Start weaning it off during your naps. Yes, at first the child will protest and seriously demand mother's intimacy. The task of the mother is to prevent and smooth out stress. This does not mean that when she is tired of listening to crying, she will give up and lay the baby on her breast. Rather, on the contrary - the mother should remain firm, but not leave her child.
Step 2
Put the child in bed and start telling him a story or singing a calm song. You can put a rubber toy in the handle. The baby, listening to his mother's voice, will calm down and eventually fall asleep. Many mothers, listening to the advice of psychologists, include pleasant quiet music. But you should not do this, because it is the presence of the mother and the feeling that she is nearby that is important for the child.
Step 3
If you cannot calm down with your voice, massage the child's legs, stroke the back or tummy, take him by the handle.
Step 4
After the child has learned to sleep independently during the day, you can continue to study. To teach your baby to fall asleep without a breast at night, follow a different pattern. You should not give up the attachment altogether. The child should get used to it gradually.
Step 5
Don't mix sucking with any other soothing method. The kid must understand that the evening fairy tale is a sign that suggests that it is time to sleep.
Step 6
And finally, advice to those who are just starting to feed a child. Do not teach your toddler to sleep in the same bed with his parents. He should know from the cradle that he has his own separate bed. Yes, fatigue and laziness are advised back. After all, it is very convenient to feed the child immediately after he woke up, and the mother still sleeps half asleep. But over time, you will realize that by following this advice, in the future you will protect yourself and your child from the stress associated with weaning from mom's breast.