Teaching a child to fall asleep in his bed very often turns into a real torture for many parents. Therefore, in order to save your nerves and the nerves of the baby, you need to know certain rules.

Step 1
From birth, let your baby get used to sleeping in his crib. Even if he sleeps in his parents' bed, try to put him in it for lunch or even just lie down. He must get used to and get used to his "territory" in order to feel cozy and comfortable.
Step 2
Consider whether it is comfortable for him to sleep there. The mattress should not be too hard, but not soft either. Bed linen - beautiful, pleasant colors. If the crib is covered with a canopy, pay attention to how the baby reacts to it. Perhaps the canopy scares him and does not like him. In this case, it should be removed altogether. See where the crib is, if there is enough sunlight for the child, or maybe the bed is near the radiator, and the child is hot, so he does not want to sleep in it.
Step 3
Do not rock your baby when you put him to bed in the crib. He will quickly get used to motion sickness, and subsequently will constantly ask for it, refusing to sleep otherwise. Better sit next to him, sing a lullaby or pat him on the back.
Step 4
If the baby cries and demands to be picked up from the crib, do not run headlong towards him. Let him gradually get used to independence, so that, as he becomes older, he can fall asleep in his own bed.