Sometimes it happens that children cannot fall asleep right away, cry, thereby causing inconvenience to their parents. In order for a child to fall asleep, as a rule, you need to rock him. But how to make sure that the baby can fall asleep on its own?

Step 1
It is possible to teach a child to fall asleep without motion sickness if you understand why he requires this very motion sickness. And the reason is that at night he becomes lonely from insomnia, and the baby is looking for attention. And since small children do not speak speech, all they have to do is cry. This means that if you want the child to fall asleep on his own, you need to relieve him of this loneliness.
Step 2
The most popular way out is to surround the baby with soft toys, thereby providing him with warmth and kindness in his children's understanding (from these same toys, of course). You can also just sleep with your child, but not rock him. Later, the process of "settling" the baby to his own bed follows, when he gets used to falling asleep without motion sickness.
Step 3
You can also make sure that the child does not have insomnia, namely, to give him enough attention during the day, to provide the time spent with some saturation, thereby causing fatigue, as well as the presence of vivid childhood dreams. This is best helped by walks in the fresh air, visits to interesting places, various stories before bedtime. By causing your child to brain-load, you will also induce a desire for relaxation and reflection on the day's sleep.
Step 4
You can also give your child various soothing medicinal herbs to drink, but this should only be done on the recommendation of a doctor. Vitamins will also help, which stabilize a healthy metabolism, and, as a result, healthy sleep.
Step 5
Well, finally, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to teach a child to fall asleep without motion sickness. After all, he is still a child, so he has the right to this very motion sickness, at least at an early age. The methods are different, the methods and results are also different, how to act specifically in your situation with your child is entirely up to you. Make no mistake in your choice.