Many children get seasick in transport. This is expressed by feeling unwell, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. This phenomenon in medical circles is called kinetosis.

According to statistics, about 50% of babies under 12 years old suffer from motion sickness. In adulthood, the percentage drops significantly. And surprisingly, girls have this problem much more often.
Why does the child feel sick?
The vestibular apparatus does not know how to behave in unusual situations. It has not yet fully formed. In the process of growing up, this most often goes away. Therefore, you should not protect your child from travel. He must get used to them.
How to Ease the Symptoms of Motion Sickness
There are some simple tips to help reduce negative feelings. Their implementation will help to make your life much easier:
- Do not feed your baby 2 hours before travel. But you shouldn't go hungry either. Let the food before the road be cereals and vegetables. They are easy to digest, it is convenient.
- Be sure to take a bottle of non-carbonated water on the road. Juices, fruit drinks in this case will not help.
- Distract your child from the road. Tell stories, play games, but just don't look at the asphalt. Additional eye strain usually makes the situation worse.
- Make sure the interior is well ventilated. If possible, stop every half hour to get out and get some fresh air. In public transport, sit closer to the door, there is a better ventilation system.
- Sudden movements worsen the condition of the passenger. Try to drive calmly, without jerking or sudden braking.
- At the first symptoms of motion sickness, give a peppermint or sour candy. It helps to improve your well-being.
- In a dream, the child does not feel nausea and discomfort. Try to create a calm atmosphere by singing a lullaby.
- In addition, a large number of drugs for motion sickness are now available in the pharmacy. They are naturally eaten and are suitable for children of all ages. Check with your pharmacist about them. Usually the tablets are taken one hour before the trip. And they completely relieve all symptoms.
- There are various types of folk remedies - from herbal infusions to exercises that can improve the vestibular apparatus. Find the one that works best for your child.
Motion sickness is a temporary factor for most. Several years will pass and you will forget that you had such a problem.