Your beloved baby, falling asleep in your arms, is a pleasant severity. You can admire enough of a falling asleep baby, feel the warmth of a little body and the smell of his hair. But it is better not to teach the child to fall asleep only in his arms - in the future this can become a real misfortune, the baby will refuse to sleep and be capricious if you do not take him in your arms. And if you have already accustomed the baby to hands, then you need to gradually wean him from this habit

Step 1
It is possible to wean a child from hand sickness only if you smoothly replace being on the hands when falling asleep by other methods of motion sickness. To do this, start rocking the baby in the crib and after a while, if he starts to worry, take him in your arms, but before he starts crying. Otherwise, the child will quickly understand that crying can make you pick him up, and it will be very difficult to wean him from this manner.
Step 2
If your baby loves to be rocked, then it is best to purchase a baby cot, the so-called pendulum type, which does not swing by tilting the cradle, but by moving the entire upper part of the crib. As practice shows, with this method of motion sickness, babies fall asleep better.
Step 3
Many children like to lie on their hands not because of motion sickness, but in order to feel closer to their mother, to feel her next to them. It is better to put such babies to sleep not in a crib, but on their own bed next to you. Put in front of any object that distracts the baby's attention and try to "smooth over" the child - lightly pat him on the ass (which is usually loved by children under one year old) or stroking the head.
Step 4
You can also try reading something out loud. This method is suitable only for children who do not have tantrums before bedtime. After the baby has fallen asleep, he must be carefully transferred to his crib, otherwise you may get another problem - the baby's desire to constantly sleep with his parents.
Step 5
And the most important thing that you need to remember, if you decide to wean your child from motion sickness, is not to teach him to use his arms again. This is usually the sin of young mothers who want to quickly put their child to bed.