Sleeping with your baby is very convenient during breastfeeding. Body contact, the smell and warmth of the mother give the baby a sense of security. When the child is nearby, the mother also gets the opportunity to sleep better, because she does not need to get up to him at night to feed or calm him down. But sooner or later the baby will have to be taught to sleep in his crib.

Step 1
As a rule, the question of moving a child into his own bed is raised when he turns two years old. To make this process easier and more painless, try not to dramatize the situation yourself. Your calmness and confidence will definitely be passed on to your baby. At first, you can put the crib closer to the parents' sleeping place, or you can let the baby choose its location. Agree with the little one, even if it does not seem very convenient to you.
Step 2
Don't forget about the nightly pre-bedtime rituals. At least an hour before that, stop active, noisy games, read a book to your baby, sit tightly hugging. If the baby cries, clings to you, refusing to sleep alone, give the baby the opportunity to express his negative emotions. Do not shame him for this behavior, show sympathy, tell him that you understand how upset he is, that you feel sorry for him. Your words will have a calming effect on the baby. Try to explain to the child that only mom and dad can sleep together, and when he grows up and gets married (gets married), he will also sleep with his wife (husband).
Step 3
Have the baby choose a toy to sleep with in a hug. Turn on a night light with a soft, dim light. If a child suddenly wakes up at night, seeing a familiar environment, it will be easier for him to fall asleep again. Think of a fairy tale about a kind sorceress, a fairy who comes to children at night to guard their sleep. Explain that babies who sleep in their crib grow faster at night.