The beloved man offered to move to his apartment? Be consistent and careful in exploring its territory. Do not scare the man away, because before your appearance everything here was purely masculine.

So, for example, if you immediately "occupy" his kitchen (despite the fact that this room has been considered "female territory" from time immemorial), then your loved one can start dragging prey to the "den" and eat in bed or watching TV, resignedly while surrendering their master's positions. A man can stop cleaning up after himself and washing dishes - he is simply at a loss, because he does not know where what is lying. Therefore, you need to introduce your innovations gradually, leaving time for adaptation.
Be careful and consistent in your actions and in the bedroom area. Of course, the man will give you the side of the bed that you prefer, but this does not mean that you can immediately change the interior of the room by rearranging the furniture. Most likely, the beloved will be against it. Do not be offended, because he already made room and gave you most of the shelves in the closet.
By the way, your man is unlikely to protest violently against the seizure of your jars of creams in the bathroom space, but he will not immediately get used to the fact that most of his clothes will move to the bathroom awaiting washing.
However, the apartment should still have a territory where a woman is categorically prohibited from entering. This is, of course, a safe and a personal computer corner. Most men will not tolerate invasion of this personal space. Follow these simple tips, and your period of getting used to each other will pass "without a hitch"!