The first days after arriving from the maternity hospital are the most exciting for parents. How you dress your baby will determine his health and mood. The choice of home clothes for a newborn is influenced by the season and room temperature.

Summer child
A baby born in the warm season can be dressed at home in a vest and a diaper. You need to put on a cap on your head. All clothing for a newborn should be made from natural materials, washed and ironed. The cap and undershirt have seams on the outside.
When choosing clothes for your baby, give preference to undershirts with a slit on the back, so the baby's umbilical wound will always be closed.
It is advisable to give up ruffles and laces in the first days of staying at home, they can irritate the child's skin. The first 5-7 days after arriving from the hospital, the baby is swaddled together in the arms, then the arms are left free, only the legs are swaddled. In summer, you can afford not to use disposable diapers and change diapers as they get dirty. The cap is tied on the side so that the knot does not squeeze the neck under the chin.
If the room is well warmed up and the temperature does not drop below 24-25 ° C, then it is enough to dress the baby in a light natural suit. The first time you will not go out for a walk, you can breathe in the fresh air by opening a wide window or walking for a while on the balcony. For such a walk, you can choose a soft fleece blanket and an insulated bonnet if it's a little cool outside.
Winter child
If the baby was born in autumn, winter or early spring, the requirements for clothing will be different.
Do not use downy shawls and blankets as insulation for crumbs, they are strong allergens. In addition, lint can get into the eyes, nose and mouth.
You will start putting on disposable diapers for your baby already in the hospital, so there is no need to change diapers often, and the baby will stay warm until the next diaper change. If the house is cool, you need to dress warmer: a vest with a hood, socks and a flannel cap. The best option for warming a baby after a week of staying at home will be a jumpsuit with buttons, called a slip.
The slip does not need to be dragged over the head like a bodysuit, there are no elastic bands on the tummy, like from sliders, nothing crawls out and does not slip anywhere. It is convenient to unfasten it for changing a diaper, because it is not necessary to completely remove it. The same applies to more insulated types of overalls for the first invigorating walks on the balcony. It is very important that there are no drafts in the room where the child is. Otherwise, no clothing can protect a newborn from a cold.