Do I need to wake my child to school? “Well, of course! Otherwise he will oversleep and he will have a lot of trouble at school! - many parents will answer. But in reality, not everything is so simple. Over-custody can lead to more serious problems in the long run. A child can grow up to be dependent. How to be?

The truth, as often happens, is in the middle: you need to wake up until a certain age (usually 6-8 years), then gradually accustom you to responsibility and independence. Precisely gradually, since a one-time break can be painful. You need to start just with such everyday little things as getting up to school in the morning. Even if the child sleeps once or twice, there is nothing to worry about: a negative experience is also an experience. Next time he won't oversleep, he will set an alarm, go to bed early, get ready on time, etc.
And as long as you are still awake, you need to do it right. Namely: not abruptly, without fussing or shouting. No need to suddenly turn on the light, command with a loud voice: "Get up!". You need to wake up gently and gradually. A sharp rise is, in principle, harmful. However, it is also impossible to let the child lie around and postpone the rise. Better to get up half an hour earlier.
Some adults joke that they "get up first and then wake up". This is completely unacceptable for a child. It is useful to do stretching in bed and morning exercises.
It is extremely difficult to wake up many children: they resist, even cry, do not want to get up and go anywhere. This, however, does not mean that they should be pitied and left in bed. To cope with the problem, it is necessary, firstly, to establish the correct daily routine, and secondly, to ensure the most comfortable sleep and a pleasant awakening. If the child does not get enough sleep, let him sleep also during the day. Daytime sleep is especially useful for "owls". If the matter is exclusively in the daily routine, then the child should be accustomed to the routine again gradually, so as not to injure him. Getting up and down on time should be a habit.
Remember: at a tender age, the foundation of health is created, and therefore it is necessary to be attentive to sleep and to the biological rhythms of the child.