What Is The Difference Between Need And Need

What Is The Difference Between Need And Need
What Is The Difference Between Need And Need

The words "need" and "need" are close in meaning, but they still carry different meanings. In order to avoid mistakes in speech and writing, you should know what they mean.

What is the difference between need and need
What is the difference between need and need

Concepts and features of needs and requirements

The most famous distinction between the concepts of "need" and "need" belongs to Karl Marx. By "need" he understood a person's urgent desire to receive a vital good, for example, food, clothing, housing, etc. This also includes the desire to fence oneself from such undesirable situations as loneliness, mortal dangers, diseases, etc.

"Need" is already a need that takes a specific form. For example, experiencing a need for food, a person has a need to use pasta, canned food or other dishes and products that he likes the most, or he has the opportunity to use them exclusively because of a certain financial wealth, health and well-being, living in a certain region, etc..d. Thus, need is a personal characteristic of a person that distinguishes him from other people.

Karl Marx divided needs into individual and collective, into material, which are satisfied with the help of goods, and intangible, which are satisfied by receiving certain services.

Differences between the concepts of "need" and "need"

One of the main differences between needs and requirements is the unsaturation of the former and the saturation of the latter. This means that a person needs food, water, shelter throughout his life, which makes these needs unsaturated. Needs, however, are often satisfied once: by purchasing a particular product or receiving a certain service, a person ceases to feel the need for them for a certain time or forever.

Currently, there is a debate about attributing certain human desires to needs or requirements. This includes the desire for communication. In fact, communication is an integral part of a person's life, but at the same time, a person can exist without it and without negative consequences. The same goes for love, intimacy and offspring - for some people this is a vital need, while for others it is a common need.

Needs and needs of a person occupy one of the central places in philosophy, social science, legal and other disciplines, since they are important factors of human existence. They most often build the image and meaning of a person's life, his goals and aspirations, attitude towards other members of society, etc. It is important to be aware of your desires, to distinguish positive from negative needs and try to achieve what you want.
