Baby Slings

Baby Slings
Baby Slings

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Different types of slings make life easier for a young mother. They help to free hands at home and on the street, while constant contact with the child is ensured for the mother. Walking with a sling can be comfortable and enjoyable without fatigue, sweating and itching. Therefore, the choice of clothing is extremely important for the baby slingom.

Baby slings
Baby slings


Step 1

A sling is considered a part of clothing, so when choosing a suit for it, you should pay attention to the composition of the fabric. For a sunny summer, choose thin bamboo or silk slings, they do not warm, and the child will not sweat in them. Of the many types, a may sling, fast sling or ring sling will be preferable. A sling scarf is suitable if it is not knitted and wound in a minimum number of layers. And an ergonomic backpack, for example, is made of thick jacket fabric, so it is suitable for a cool summer.

Step 2

In hot weather, you can refuse any clothes for the child, and put on a cotton T-shirt. Do not forget about a light cap for the baby, this will save the head from overheating. Legs can be left free of socks, and "walking" children can wear sandals. Children who periodically get out of the sling are dressed as easily and freely as possible. A cotton shirt and shorts or a sleeveless bodysuit will be enough.

Step 3

In a cool summer, as well as in early autumn and late spring, when there is no heat and cold, it is easier to choose clothes. In such comfortable weather, dress your baby the same way as yourself. Cotton pants or tights with the same jacket will do just fine. Do not forget that tights must be larger by one size, or even two. This is necessary so that the child does not squeeze anything in the sling. In extreme cases, take a warm jacket with you for a walk. If it is cool, then you will throw it over yourself, buttoning the buttons on the back of the child. If the jacket is not so big, then take along with you clothes for the baby. It can be put on the baby without removing the sling. Better yet, take care of your walks and purchase or sew a sling insert for your sweater. You can also buy a poncho with a cutout for the baby's head for this kind of weather. Warm your head with a knitted hat, and your legs with warm socks.

Step 4

In the cold season, the baby sling can be as mobile as in the other season of the year. For this, manufacturers have come up with babywearing jackets. They are both demi-season and winter. In autumn, when the air temperature drops to -10, you can put a cotton slip on your child under the jacket. This is quite enough considering the very fabric of the sling. When the temperature drops, you can add a fleece suit and thermal underwear.

The head and neck of the child should be insulated with a warm hat and scarf. Better to choose a hat-helmet. It will perfectly cover the ears and neck, no matter how the child turns. The legs are usually not in the sling, so they also require additional insulation. You can wear knitted knee socks or socks on them. Slim jackets are convenient because you always know if your child is cold, if he is blowing, and maybe he is hot.

Any type of sling will fit under the jackets, except for the ring sling. It rests on one shoulder, so mom may be uncomfortable. For winter, choose slings with cashmere or wool, this will save you from unnecessary clothes. Don't forget that summer bamboo or linen slings don't keep you warm.
