After birth, the baby's immune system begins to adapt to the environment and learn to withstand all the dangers that await the baby. Accordingly, the baby is sick, and as he recovers, he develops immunity to the causative agent of the disease. In order not to prevent him from forming correctly, parents need to know how to properly treat colds and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).

- - drops based on sea water;
- - saline;
- - aspirator;
- - call a doctor;
- - take a blood test.
Step 1
During illness, babies usually have a high body temperature. Try not to knock it down to 38, 5-39 ° C. The high temperature helps the immune system to cope with the causative agent of the disease. The less often you knock her down, the faster the child will recover.
Step 2
Try to maintain a cool temperature in the room where the baby is. It is also important to control the level of humidity - too dry air contributes to drying out of the discharge from the nose.
Step 3
To relieve a runny nose, drip drops with sea water or saline into the baby's nose. This procedure will help thin the nasal discharge, making it easier to drain. They can also be removed with an aspirator, but be careful - if used improperly, it is possible to injure the child's nose.
Step 4
Call a doctor at home. This can be a local pediatrician or a private doctor. For colds and acute respiratory viral infections, it is important to monitor the condition of the lungs for complications every day. Ask your doctor for a referral for a blood test, the results will help track the course of the disease.
Step 5
Be very careful with antibiotics. If the doctor prescribes them to the baby in the early days of the disease, it is better to consult another specialist. In viral diseases, antibiotics are absolutely useless in terms of combating the pathogen, but there are many side effects from them. Antibiotics should only be taken if there are clear signs of complications, such as a high fever for three days or more, wheezing in the lungs, and other symptoms.
Step 6
Separately, it is worth discussing the use of drugs aimed at maintaining immunity - immunomodulators. Of course, such medications temporarily relieve the course of the disease, but they interfere with the formation of natural immunity, which can lead to a recurrence of the disease. Such drugs should be used only for problems with the immune system, and a healthy and strong body is able to cope with ARVI on its own and without additional stimulation.