At first, the child plays with friends in the store, using leaves from trees instead of money, but as he grows up, he wants to have real money and be able to make small purchases. And the question arises before the parents - is it worth giving the child honestly earned or all the questions on the purchase of gum, he should decide through mom and dad.

Why does a child need money
Most children need money for the most innocent needs. For them, the child will be able to buy chewing gum, ice cream or a bun in the school cafeteria, stickers with his favorite hero, or even start putting them in a piggy bank to make a bigger dream come true.
At what age should a child be given money
As a rule, kindergarteners do without pocket money, but a younger student can already be allocated a small amount. Money is another stepping stone to adulthood and independence. If all the friends of your son or daughter have the opportunity to buy a lollipop at a stall, and your child must wait for the evening and you with a long-awaited treat every time, this can easily develop in him such negative traits as greed and envy of others. A couple hundred a week is a small price to pay for not having them. However, before calculating the amount, make sure that your child is old enough to have money that he can dispose of at his own discretion.
How to understand that a child can be given money
Money does not come out of nowhere, it must be earned by your own labor. It is important that the child understands that the parents are making an effort, for which they are paid a salary, and treats this with respect. In order to form the right idea in him, periodically tell your son or daughter about your work - what exactly you have to do, what additional information you have to study, how tired you are.
Make sure that the child can go to the store on his own, he is able to distribute money so that there is enough for all the desired purchases, does not forget the backpack in the locker and does not leave change at the checkout. If the baby successfully copes with your requests to buy milk and bread, he will surely master the purchase of things and treats for himself.
Finally, clarify that the child is aware of what he needs the money for. It doesn't matter if he wants to buy himself a chocolate bar every day or hopes to save up for a bike. The main thing is that he understands why he needs it.
When to give a child money
Don't turn money into a child management tool. It is easy to control a son or daughter by promising a certain amount for every five mark and cleaning done in the apartment, but in the end, your child may refuse to wash the floor without additional financial incentives. It is better to give money not for a specific act, but according to the results of a certain time interval (for example, a week) when the child behaved well, helped you and studied diligently. And, on the contrary, a major quarrel or a serious misconduct at school is a reason to deprive the kid of his "earnings".