A cute plump pink-cheeked baby, as if stepped out of an advertising photo, is the dream of parents. Therefore, if the child is not gaining weight well, it immediately causes concern. How dangerous is it and what are the reasons? Pediatricians believe that insufficient weight gain may indicate a child's illness or malnutrition.

One of the reasons for poor weight gain in infants is a lack of milk in the mother, the baby cannot get the required amount of food and remains hungry. It happens that with a sufficient amount of milk, the baby is lazy to suckle and falls asleep while feeding. Some children wake up after a short time from hunger and demand to be fed. But there is a category of children who sleep peacefully and do not show their dissatisfaction with anything. In these cases, the baby should be mixed and bottle-fed after breastfeeding. The introduction of complementary foods into the diet can lead to a decrease in weight gain. If the child does not like new foods and does not want to eat them. Here it is worth being persistent, over time the baby will get used to it, and complementary foods are necessary. Worse, if complementary foods are not suitable for the baby, it is difficult to digest, cause nausea, vomiting. In this case, you should consult a doctor and adjust the child's diet. Weight gain also occurs in the case of various infectious diseases. If a child is unwell, he has a fever, then his appetite disappears, he eats less and, naturally, stops gaining weight. The same happens in the case of a decrease in hemoglobin. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the digestion of food worsens. After recovery, the baby's weight returns to normal. Do not forget that heredity plays a very important role in the development of the baby. If a child has inherited the complexion of a short and thin dad and mom, then you should not expect that he will gain weight as quickly as a child of large parents. Also, if the child is very mobile, he spends a lot of energy and therefore slowly gains weight. If at the same time the baby is cheerful and cheerful, does not get sick, then there is no need to worry. In any case, it is necessary to monitor how the child is gaining weight. Control and timely access to a doctor can help to avoid many serious illnesses.