Why Does The Child Eat Poorly?

Why Does The Child Eat Poorly?
Why Does The Child Eat Poorly?

It happens that a baby who previously ate any dish prepared by his mother with pleasure, suddenly completely loses his appetite and interest in food, turning away from the spoon. Instead of persuading the child to come up with various tricks and tricks - if only the crumb swallows another spoonful of food, try to figure out the reasons for the poor appetite.

Why does the child eat poorly?
Why does the child eat poorly?

Most often, a deterioration in appetite and a decrease in interest in food occurs in babies after they turn a year and a half. Forcing a toddler to eat by force is counterproductive and wrong. It is best to calmly think and look for the reasons for the spoiled appetite. They can be conditionally divided into several groups. Physiological reasons for poor appetite: - the child is sick; - the baby's teeth are teething; - hot weather; - complementary foods were introduced out of time or in too much volume; - the baby's energy needs have changed; - the child eats less food than you offer him; - the child was burned by food or a hot spoon (cup) in the previous feeding; - the baby was tired of the monotonous diet; - the child was offered mashed puree dishes for too long, without having taught him to chew food in time. Psychological reasons include: - feeding the baby by force; - too obsessive offer food; - the exit of the baby's mother to work, her absence at home, unusual for the crumbs; - the reaction of the child's body to a stressful situation (the period of adaptation to kindergarten, to school, after an illness); - the appearance of a new family member (brother, sister), nanny; - staying at a party; - the period of adaptation to a new place of residence (in case of moving); - family conflicts. Very often, the behavior of the baby, interpreted by p parents as a refusal to eat and loss of appetite, in fact, is not at all. After all, the daily ration calculated by baby food manufacturers and scientists may differ from the real needs of each individual child. For example, if there is not enough walking and physical activity in the baby's day regimen, then the baby's lack of appetite is explained by the fact that he simply does not have time to get hungry properly between meals. Sears says that the child intuitively chooses the products that best meet the challenges of his development and growth at the moment. For example, you might have noticed that sometimes your baby is happy to eat one product (bananas, apples, kefir, etc.) for some time, and then sharply demands something else. W. Sears writes that children balance their diet of nutrients not within a day, but within a week. For example, on one day they eat more vegetables, on the other - fruits, then - cereals, meat, etc … Also, as a rule, children prefer to eat often and little by little. And such a diet is considered the most useful for humans.
