Why Does A One-year-old Child Eat Poorly?

Why Does A One-year-old Child Eat Poorly?
Why Does A One-year-old Child Eat Poorly?

Many babies grow up as small ones. Especially when they are just moving from a baby's table to an adult. Very often, doctors hear complaints about poor appetite from mothers of one-year-old children. Experts, however, assure: all this is normal, and you just need to learn a few small tricks that will help normalize the appetite of a little reluctant.

Why does a one-year-old child eat poorly?
Why does a one-year-old child eat poorly?

Poor appetite in a child at the age of one year can be due to a huge number of reasons. For example, a baby simply doesn't like certain foods. Maybe he doesn't like broccoli and cauliflower. But he cannot express it in words. As a result, his appetite decreases. Mom begins to offer food more actively, the child refuses more and more, and they fall into a vicious circle.

There is an option that the child eats little because he is not feeling well. In this case, you need to look very closely at the child's behavior. If he is restless, twists his legs and cries, and also presses his hands to his stomach, then the food does not suit him for the future.

If, in addition to anxiety, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, frothy stools, etc. appear, you should see a doctor. Most likely, the child has problems with digestion and assimilation of certain types of foods.

A child can refuse food even if it seems boring to him. Children at the age of one are very fond of bright things. And food is no exception.

Based on experiments and research, scientists and doctors have identified a number of rules that help turn a one-year-old child who does not want to eat into a toddler eating food by both cheeks.

What to do for a child to start eating

First of all, you should understand that if you take on the task of retraining a reluctant child with an appetite, you will have to withstand the regime and be patient.

The first point of the plan is compulsory discipline and regime. Food should be at the same time, right on schedule. If the baby eats by the hour and at approximately the same intervals, it helps to tune his digestive system to work. Around this, biorhythms begin to become active and tied.

First of all, there should be parental discipline. You do not need to force the child to push the spoon. The main thing is to force yourself not to be lazy, and to build the baby's day so that food is as natural for him as sleeping and walking.

The second item is the menu. Do not deny your child the reluctance to eat foods that he does not like. He is also a man, albeit small, and he has his own preferences. Therefore, you just have to play with the menu - find new combinations of products. Offer your baby 2-3 meals to choose from so that he / she has options.

It is also worth taking care of the decoration of the dishes. The more interesting and brighter the food, the more the child wants to eat it.

However, with realism, you also need to not overdo it. This is due to the fact that if you make too natural a bunny or a duck, the child may simply feel sorry for her.

Also, try to listen to your child. Perhaps he has an intolerance to any foods, they disturb digestion. You cannot see this with the naked eye, but the child suffers and subconsciously refuses them.

And do not forget that the child should experience positive emotions while eating. Of course, this does not mean that you need to turn on the TV or give him a tablet with cartoons. It's enough just to make the food bright, use funny dishes with funny pictures, etc.

What not to do

In no case should a child be forced. Any violence generates protest. You run the risk of getting the result when the child completely refuses to eat.
