The question of how to dress a newborn baby in winter is quite rhetorical - you need to choose the warmest things. Blanket made of sheepskin or camel wool, overalls, hats, mittens. But dressing a baby in the summer is not easy, you need to take this task very seriously so as not to upset its temperature balance.

Step 1
In summer, the weather is changeable and treacherous. If the sun is shining brightly outside and the thermometer reaches thirty degrees, then for a walk with the baby you need to choose the time when the sun is not at its zenith - from 8 to 11 in the morning or after 6 to 19 in the evening. In such weather, no matter how you dress the child, he will be hot, and at the slightest breath of breeze, all his sweat will play to the detriment - the child can get hypothermic and get sick. In addition, babies do not tolerate heat very well, they are capricious and cry. If the wind is blowing and the temperature is not higher than 16-18 C, then it is necessary to dress the child as in spring or autumn. The most dangerous weather is sunny, with a strong, gusty northerly wind. Then an extra layer of clothing is required.
Step 2
Pay attention to the fabrics - they should all be natural. The basis of the baby's summer wardrobe is thin cotton. If it's hot outside, put on thin cotton pants and a vest for your child. Swaddling a child or not is a personal matter for each parent. Someone thinks that this is necessary, as it will make the legs of the child more even, someone thinks that this limits the movement and development of the baby. If you do decide to swaddle your baby, then the diapers should be cotton, chintz or calico, do not swaddle too tight. It is also necessary to put on a thin cotton cap on the baby, which will protect its delicate ears from the wind.
Step 3
If it is cool and windy outside, then another warm layer is needed on top of the cotton layer of clothing. Put on a fleece jumpsuit or cover your baby with a blanket. On the head, it is necessary to put on a hat knitted of fine wool over a cotton cap. If it's sunny but windy outside, dress your child warmly. However, make sure that these items have comfortable fasteners and can be quickly removed if necessary. Check your baby's temperature. Feel his nose - if it's cold, the baby is frozen. Put your finger in the armpit: if it is hot and humid, then the baby is hot. Do not overheat the child, it is just as dangerous as hypothermia and can lead to various diseases, including pneumonia.