The departure of a beloved man is perceived by women in different ways. Some forgive, resign themselves to the loss of a loved one and start life from scratch. Others take all possible and impossible tricks in order to return their one and only and irreplaceable, from their point of view, man.

Step 1
Understand yourself. What drives your desire to return a departed man: sincere strong love, resentment or a desire to take revenge, ruin his life, hurt him?
Step 2
Determine for yourself: a man left for another woman or left you, from your character, habits, unacceptable behavior. This will determine your next step - forgive him or forgive yourself, because feelings of resentment and guilt destroy you. Make sure that you need to return the man, that you have the strength to forgive him and yourself, and that you have the mental strength to do so.
Step 3
Find what else can bind you. These can be common children, animals, common work or business, friends or relatives. Be sure to consider the wishes of the man, and not just your personal interests.
Step 4
Calmly and calmly, turning off emotions if possible, analyze the current situation. Identify the mistakes you and he made and what influenced his decision to end the relationship. What was the deciding factor: a serious quarrel or everyday scandals, a strong love for another woman or the absence of this love in your relationship. The better, the more accurately you understand yourself, the more likely you are to return the man.
Step 5
Get rid of illusions and accusations. And this is perhaps the most difficult thing. In a breakup, both are always involved.
Step 6
Start by contradicting yourself. There was a reason for daily quarrels - find a way to reconcile. If you had a habit of starting to scream for any reason, get rid of such a destructive manner for you and your relationship. Remember yourself at the moment when he confessed his love to you - what were you then?
Step 7
Be patient and don't push things too hard. When you first meet after a breakup, remember that your goal is to make up. Perhaps you should ask him for forgiveness. Be sure to let your man speak. Get ready for the fact that you will have to listen and hear what he tells you, as well as find the strength to accept things that are not entirely pleasant for you.
Step 8
Be discreet, don't turn your conversation into another scandal. If you feel that the conversation has reached a dead end, try to find other topics of conversation, and preferably those that are interesting to both of you.
Step 9
Try not to be intrusive. Restrain yourself from wanting to follow a man in a shadow, cry endlessly in his presence, beg to return, make excuses. It can only push him away from you.
Step 10
Remember that you are a self-sufficient, independent person. Show that you are capable of living without him, and that the feeling of love for him is your choice.