Parting with a loved one is a great shock for a woman. But this is not yet a reason for frustration. It may still be possible to return. After all, if a man fell in love with you once, he can be carried away by you a second time.

Step 1
You should not run after your loved one and beg for return. You will push him harder. Wait for the moment when the man gets bored or weaned from you. It is better to spend this time to calm down, unwind and change something in yourself. You must change not only externally, but also internally.
Step 2
Find out exactly where the guy went: into the void or to another woman. It is important to have a realistic understanding of the situation, as this will determine the way the young person returns.
Step 3
The man ended the relationship with you and went nowhere. In this case, it will be more difficult for you to get it back. A man chooses loneliness only when a relationship with a woman takes away a lot of his strength and carries negative experiences. Remember what exactly did not suit your partner in your union. This will help you eliminate annoying factors and bring the man back.
Step 4
If your loved one finds another woman, try to understand what hooked him in her. Most likely, in the new partner there was something that the man could not find in you. Finding out what exactly he lacked in your relationship and developing these qualities in yourself, you can return your loved one. Unobtrusively show the man that you are better than your rival, that you have changed, and that the annoying qualities are no longer there.
Step 5
If you've realized your mistakes, changed, and forgave your loved one, find a reason to meet with him. Be patient. Don't insist on anything. Remember that the purpose of your first meetings is reconciliation. Give the man a chance to speak up. It is important not to succumb to temptation and not turn reconciliation into an exchange of claims and another showdown.
Step 6
Look for common topics of conversation that don't have sharp corners. Communicate with him as if the problem between you is no longer there. It should be easy and pleasant for a man next to you. Imagine that you have just met him and are in the initial phase of a future romance.
Step 7
Remember what you were able to interest a man in the last time. Start all over again, fall in love with you again. The young man must understand that it was a mistake to break up with you.
Step 8
Don't be intrusive. Do not beg him to meet again - this will only alienate the man. Don't be addicted to it. Let your beloved see that you can live on your own, and that feelings for him are your conscious choice.
Step 9
To conquer a man again, become a mystery to him. If he sees in you a woman he has never known before, he will be interested.
Step 10
You succeeded, and your beloved is back. The most important thing now is that the reason for your breakup no longer arises in the relationship. As soon as a man notices this annoying factor, he will leave again. It will be even more difficult to get it back again. Be smarter and try to deal with problems early on.
Step 11
Don't try to get back the old relationship. Your romance should start from scratch, as if nothing had happened - no life together, no quarrels, no parting. Only by completely changing outwardly, changing the course of your thoughts and style of behavior, can you return your beloved man.