Reproaches are the eternal companions of relationships. As a rule, women are more actively expressing their dissatisfaction. Although the list of claims they make against men seems to be passed down from generation to generation unchanged.

Misunderstanding is a vast concept, it underlies most conflicts. Its roots lie in the psychological differences between the sexes. If women are more accustomed to solving problems by endlessly saying them, then men do not have such a need. Therefore, when calling a partner to verbal participation, ladies are faced with alienation, which they perceive as a sign of indifference and coldness.

In fact, men are not to blame for not being able to give their chosen ones the emotional response they need. Even at the physiological level, they have 17% fewer neurons in the speech centers of the brain than women. In addition, boys from childhood are not accustomed to intimate conversation and expression of feelings. They use speech only on business and in a limited format. And girls, who are accustomed to keeping secrets with their mother, are looking for the same sensitive and attentive interlocutor in their family. Most often, they do not find it, therefore they constantly reproach the stronger sex for misunderstanding. How to be in this situation?
It is clear that it is incredibly difficult to change the attitudes that have been formed over the years and laid down from an early age. On the part of the woman, one must definitely get rid of reproaches. The second step is to lower your expectations. Between people who are in a relationship, there is already some kind of dialogue. Through it, you can discuss some important things, ask for advice, seek support. It is better to leave the rest of the manifestations of emotions to the same mother or girlfriend.
Avoiding problems

Not receiving a full verbal response from a man, a woman begins to think that he is running away from problems. After all, the stronger sex often chooses the tactics of silence in conflict situations. In fact, these behavioral features also come from childhood. As boys grow older, they lose the bond with their mother, which is so strong in the early years of life. This is not to say that for them the first loss passes without a trace. On the contrary, on a subconscious level, a man begins to avoid emotional attachment, fearing a repetition of "betrayal." Therefore, it is difficult for him to open up to a woman, to trust her. And he chooses a silent escape as a solution to the problem.

And the girl grows up in a completely different environment. She is not taught to be strong and independent, so in the family she gets more emotional closeness, both with her mother and with her father. As an adult, a woman seeks a similar affection in marriage. A man, as a rule, cannot give it. He still remembers the traumatic situation from childhood, but does not seek to understand it. Avoiding problems, a representative of the stronger sex tries to protect himself and get rid of anxiety. He hopes that the woman will figure it out on her own, while her life partner remains in her personal comfort zone. In principle, this is often the case.
Constant need for sex

For a woman, love and sex are inseparable concepts. Therefore, only with a loved one, they can get pleasure and enjoyment. Men are much more sex-oriented. They would gladly do without confessions or courtship, if they had the opportunity to immediately get what they wanted. In addition, a woman is offended by the fact that sex with her is not so important for a man as it is in itself.
She seeks to feel her uniqueness for the chosen one through love. After all, male perception, in contrast to female, clearly separates emotions and the satisfaction of physiological needs, which include sex. In a word, it makes no sense to reproach the representatives of the stronger sex that their libido is arranged differently.
Since men share love and sex, it is easy for them to remain polygamous. A woman in a line of lovers will surely find someone who is especially dear to her and evokes the most tremulous feelings. A man, changing sexual partners, may never stop at just one. For some of them, love never comes, and the main woman in life is mother.
Even the perception of physical adultery is completely different for both sexes. Ladies experience it as a betrayal, causing moral suffering, a reason to doubt themselves. A man, most likely, will not even think of looking for cause-and-effect relationships, engaging in self-flagellation. He may be worried, except perhaps by the enacted imagination, which paints in colors an insidious traitor in the arms of a rival.
The powerful physical attraction inherent in the representatives of the stronger sex plays into the hands of a woman at the first stage of a relationship. In fact, it is much easier to captivate a man than to keep him. At first, he is ready to surrender without a fight, falling under the power of female charms and sexual attraction. But as two people get closer, they inevitably have a conflict. A woman is ready to dissolve in a partner, being around day and night. A man, as mentioned earlier, prefers to keep his distance, having personal space helps him to feel safe. She takes offense and reproaches, he sincerely does not understand what the problem is …
This opposition is as natural as the difference between the sexes, which no sexual revolution can erase. Only by accepting their true nature, women and men will protect themselves from many problems in relationships and learn to avoid mutual reproaches, which only lead to an increase in the gap between them, and not to achieve true harmony.