School is a second home. Most often we apply this phrase to school. But at school, children acquire not only knowledge, but also many feelings, such as: love, friendship, understanding, forgiveness, resentment, anger, and so on.

Not only knowledge of subjects is important, but also life wisdom, which teachers can share. They have lived a long life, many of them are older than the parents of the children. In some schools, the teaching staff is selected so that it teaches children about kindness, tolerance, help, masculinity, patriotism, and honor.
As in kindergarten, children are supervised. Teachers monitor their successes and failures, help to cope with difficulties, praise and scold. This is an educational process as it is.
All feelings that may appear at school need to be explained to the child. How they influence him, how they can influence classmates, parents and teachers, what will be the right reaction to them, and what will be wrong and what harm it can bring.

In some schools, in which there is a charter and a form, a well-chosen teaching staff, you can see such upbringing. They explain everything to the child, put it on the shelves, and even repeat it more than once. He will be given knowledge not only in subjects, but also life lessons. There they will be able to protect, hear and help. In any situation.
There are families in which the child does not receive such emotions at home. Then school and teachers can become his first home. Where it will be pleasant for him to come, where it will be convenient and comfortable for him.
The importance of acquiring knowledge of life in school is underestimated. All examples from situations at school will be encountered over and over again in a child's life. This is a necessary and valuable information in life. And on how and what he knows about this situation, its outcome and consequences will depend.
His future relationships with colleagues depend on what kind of relationship he will have with classmates. From a relationship with someone you like - a relationship with a spouse.
All feelings, reactions, actions come from childhood and school time. Most often, similar situations develop in the same person in almost the same way. Both in college and in later ages, it is difficult to fix something if you do not do it properly.