The development of a child in his first year of life is the beginning of learning, a set of those knowledge and skills that he will use in the future, how easily he can adapt to the growth of his body and the perception of information from his environment, and how you will get along with him. All this is the basis for parents who are responsible to their child for his own future.

Step 1
Before parents decide to start developing their one-year-old child, they just need to know what their baby should be able to, know and do by this age. First of all, you need to pay attention to his physiological development, which is expressed in the following skills of the baby: stand up on his legs without the use of outside help, run (you can use third-party help), walk on his own, imitate adults, copying some of their actions, drink from a cup without the help of adults.
Step 2
The psychological development of the baby provides for the ability to be able to distinguish all family members and / or call them by name, understand what the parents want from the baby, have a small vocabulary consisting of simple words, understand and ask for a potty.
Step 3
Depending on whether your baby does all of the above or not, your further work on his development will take shape. Consider the case when the baby does not know how to do something from this list, for example, does not ask for a potty. In order to teach him to do this, you must first of all get rid of comfortable and perfectly absorbent diapers. In diapers, the child does not feel that he is wet. He feels like he is in an advertisement: "dry and comfortable." That is why he does not understand the need to do "his own business" for the pot, when everything is fine. The second step is to regularly "plant" the baby on the potty every half hour. At this stage, the main thing is not to be lazy. Two or three days, and the baby is already getting the habit acquired by him of asking for a potty.
Step 4
But what if the baby's problems are not at the physiological, but at the psychological level? After all, here it is necessary to approach the issue of its development with particular care, so as not to further aggravate the current situation. For example, a toddler has little vocabulary and refuses to speak. To do this, you need to do exercises with his fingers, let him play with small toys, or rather parts of toys, fixed for safety. Motor exercises for the fingers help stabilize and develop the baby's speech centers. You should also take care of the child's "passive" vocabulary. He may not just want to talk yet, but he hears. The more different words mom and dad say, the more your baby accumulates them. And don't make the biggest mistake - don't speak for him yourself. The kid may not speak yet because he does not see the need for this, because the mother will say for him what he wants, will do everything for him, etc.
Step 5
In the event that a child develops normally and knows how to do everything that must be done, then he does not need to be overloaded with new knowledge and skills. There is nothing good in this approach of the parents, and for the child it can be boring. The development of a one-year-old child in this case implies a game process in which you can already introduce teaching elements for something. Remember that at this age, babies respond best to rhymes and singing. This has a positive effect on the development of their vocabulary and interest in acquiring new knowledge and skills.