Probably every parent wants to see their child reading a book on their own. At the same time, he does not need to be forced and compelled, he himself wants to listen to an interesting fairy tale or learn a funny rhyme. But few parents can boast of this, because in our computer age, reading has somehow imperceptibly faded into the background. But in the meantime, everyone understands that love for the book will render the baby an invaluable service in the future. For the child to be inseparable from the book, parents need to be patient and persistent.

Step 1
Of course, in a reading family, where a child gets to know a book almost from the cradle, reading problems, as a rule, do not happen. After all, a book becomes for a kid the same simple and understandable thing as, for example, a toy. He grows with her and cannot imagine his life without a book.
Step 2
To get your little one to love reading, start introducing them to books as early as possible. At 3-4 months, the baby can already show bright illustrations, read nursery rhymes, short rhymes, jokes. As soon as the baby learns to hold various objects well in his hands, invite him to flip through books with thick pages, while commenting on the images in them yourself.
Step 3
Children who were introduced to the book by their parents in infancy, as a rule, by the age of one and a half to two years, themselves are asked to read. Therefore, do not refuse the baby, take two or three minutes to work out with him. If the child takes the initiative himself, do not suppress it, because having refused the baby several times, he will also soon refuse your offer to read.
Step 4
Try to instill a child's love not only for reading as a process, but also for the book itself. Do not let the kid tear the pages, draw in it. Teach him to treat the book with respect, handle it with care. Be an example yourself, buy books more often or exchange existing ones with your friends and acquaintances. Enroll your child in the library and visit it regularly.
Step 5
Be sure to consider the choice of the child himself. Older children can be carried away by something interesting in their opinion: dinosaurs, snakes, space discoveries, etc. Encourage your child's preferences, because reading is the best way to expand your horizons, memory and thinking.