Why Does The Child Not Want To Go To Kindergarten

Why Does The Child Not Want To Go To Kindergarten
Why Does The Child Not Want To Go To Kindergarten

You give the child to the caregiver, leave the group, go around the site, endure three hours, looking at the windows of the group room. At this time, the child, all three hours, sits on a chair and whines, looking at the same window. What prevents a child from feeling comfortable in kindergarten?

Why does the child not want to go to kindergarten
Why does the child not want to go to kindergarten

Affection for mom. At the stage of getting used to kindergarten, for the child it is the most powerful stress to be separated from the mother and wait for her arrival. Within 2-3 weeks, as a rule, the baby learns to let go of the mother. But there are times when especially sensitive children cannot get used to this for several months.

Daily regime. Sleeping, eating, playing and walking for hours is not an easy task for a child. After all, not always even an adult can be sent for a walk if he wants to relax. Exactly, as well as vice versa, if a person is determined to spend time actively, it will not be possible to put him to sleep. In a kindergarten group, the teacher is not interested in the desire of each child to do what he wants at the moment. Gathering twenty people at the same time for a walk is not easy. And if there are opponents, then this procedure is more like a battle. You can understand the kid if he is forced to maintain a certain regimen for 10 hours a day - this is real work!

The educator is like a new demanding adult. The best way out for parents is to form the authority of educators in their child. Explaining the importance of fulfilling requests and instructions, an adequate perception of the kindergarten workers by the parents themselves will facilitate the adoption of a new adult by the baby.

Communication with peers. Having gathered diverse children in one small room, you should not expect an idyll in their relationship. They quarrel and reconcile ten times a day. Endless laughter, buzzing and whining will tire any adult. It is not surprising if your child also wants to hide in a corner of the playroom, just to be alone with himself.

Spoiled and disgusted. Today's children often get everything they ask for from their parents. This also applies to food, and toys, and liberties of behavior. A child cannot be given such freedom in a kindergarten. The kid may reluctantly go to the kindergarten if he is asked there: to eat porridge, share toys with other children and not run around the group.

Social phobia. If, for a year or more, the baby continues to whimper when getting ready to go to the kindergarten, does not talk about the events taking place with him in the kindergarten. He ignores participation in the holidays and is reluctant to carry out the instructions of the teacher. Perhaps he often wants to be alone and is not very interested in communicating with his peers. Among such kids, inquisitive, focused and erudite specialists in their field often grow up.
