Why Does A Woman Not Want A Child

Why Does A Woman Not Want A Child
Why Does A Woman Not Want A Child

Having children is a natural female function, and a considerable number of people today believe that a woman who has not taken place as a mother cannot be called successful, regardless of her other achievements. It happens that women do not want children at all, but it happens that this unwillingness is a temporary phenomenon.

Why does a woman not want a child
Why does a woman not want a child


Despite the fact that the happiness of motherhood is considered undeniable, it is still a very serious test. Pregnancy, difficult childbirth, and then the first years of the baby, when a woman literally cannot leave him - some are so frightened by such a prospect that they decide not to have children at all. These women call themselves childfree.

The reasons are different: a serious deterioration in well-being, loss of a good figure, the possibility that the husband will fall out of love, and others. And someone is afraid of the severe pain associated with childbirth.

Negative examples

Some women may be willing to endure pregnancy and childbirth, but they fear what comes after that. Motherhood is not only an honorable duty, it is also hard work. Some people don't like children at all: they are noisy, capricious, they constantly require attention and care. Besides, you have to love your child, but what if it doesn't work out? Some women look to someone else's example and wonder if they can be good mothers.

Wrong time

It happens that a woman wants to have a child, but right now, as she believes, is not the right time. A difficult stage in your career, an apartment on a mortgage, not a good situation with your husband, or the completion of your education - there can be many reasons.

It also happens that a woman does not seem to have any problems. It seems that she can endure childbirth, and has nothing against pregnancy, and strangers' children do not irritate her. And there are no external difficulties, which can be considered a worthy reason for a delay. But I don't feel like it now, that's all.

What to do if a woman does not want to have children

You should never put pressure on a woman, force her to have a child, and even more so, you should not blackmail and threaten if she does not want to have offspring yet. A woman is the mistress of her body, and only she can decide whether to devote her life and whether to give her resources to the baby.

In the modern world, the process of growing up is slower than before. People feel like adolescents much longer, and despite the fact that girls over 24 in Russian maternity hospitals are recorded as "old-born," this does not mean that after 24, the body is really too old for childbirth. Moreover, in Western countries, if a girl comes to give birth to a child when she is not yet 28, she will be asked several times if she is sure, because she is still very young!

The most important thing is that the child should be desired, at whatever age this desire appears. Practically no external circumstances will prevent a woman from giving birth to a child, if she really wants it, no matter what time this desire comes to her.
