Research has shown that sleep deprivation has a significant impact on the emotional climate in the family. Lack of sleep and increased tension and conflict in a couple interfere with an adequate perception of the emotional state of a partner. The fact is that even a slight disturbance in sleep can affect a favorable atmosphere even in the most prosperous family.

Psychologists have conducted research for several years, dividing people into groups where some received good sound sleep, while others were constantly sleep deprived. Participants in both groups wrote down their emotional state on a sheet of paper every day. The members of the group, which constantly lacked sleep, were more irritable, more nervous, and their partners complained of frequent conflicts.
But the members of the group, which had a normal sleep, felt much better, and saw only good sides in their partners, were more cheerful and cheerful, and also better understood the emotional state of the other person.
From all this, scientists have concluded that sleep plays an important role in interpersonal relationships. Constantly depriving yourself of sleep can negatively affect the well-being of even a good and strong family. According to scientists, after a sleepless night, you should not start important conversations, plan serious meetings, sort things out, since on emotional grounds you can only aggravate the situation and even harm the relationship.
Therefore, it is important to get enough sleep, because it affects not only physical, but also mental health, and as it has now turned out - on family relationships.