How To Maintain A Marital Relationship

How To Maintain A Marital Relationship
How To Maintain A Marital Relationship

Over the years, two people who love each other can move away, becoming almost strangers. As a result, everyone becomes bored, relationships deteriorate, irritation replaces love, the family falls apart. But it is so easy to prevent such a scenario, while maintaining the marital relationship for many years.

How to maintain a marital relationship
How to maintain a marital relationship

You can call boredom the first enemy of love. Why does it arise? Most often, a woman tends to completely dissolve in a loved one, forgetting that she herself was once a full-fledged person with her own worldview, hobbies, habits and character. Instead of adjusting, getting used to it, it turned out to become something like a dog who, on command, brings slippers and a newspaper, faithfully looks in the face, afraid to look into the eyes, and waits for a kick or a handout. And in contrast - jealousy: digging in the phone or personal correspondence on social networks, surveillance, tantrums.

And how often from married women, still young, one can hear the opinion: "What difference does it make how I look, I am already married anyway!" Or a young mother who forgets to take care of herself, covering up her laziness and disrespect for her husband with motherhood. And we, people, often do not hesitate to offend a loved one with a word. There are just a few rules that are basic for every family, and you can try to maintain relationships, interest in each other.

This applies, first of all, to unflattering expressions addressed to the parents of the second half, with whom it is not always possible to immediately find a common language. It's not easy with parents. These are, in fact, strangers who are not obliged to accept and treat well. But, oddly enough, taking this as an axiom, you can achieve better results than trying your best to please.

Perceive your parents initially as your own, treat with understanding, respect and do not demand much. And in no case do not tell your soul mate badly about your parents. This also includes mutual insults and reproaches, which sometimes spouses do not skimp on. But it's so easy not to call it an ugly word, to contain your anger. And it is much more difficult, having started to scold, to stop.

A hackneyed but accurate expression. A wife, immersed in everyday life, often forgets that she is, first of all, a woman. There is a strong stereotype that a woman's success is equal to her marriage. That is, you got married and you can relax, the goal is achieved. It is not right. Try to please your loved one with a neat appearance and a smile on your face, a good mood. And looks are important too. But often young mothers hide behind their status, believing that they have given birth to a child and the figure can not be followed.

A man loves with his eyes and his husband should like his wife not only as a person, but also as a woman. So we take care of ourselves and keep our muscles in good shape. The same applies to men: how often a handsome man turns into a flabby little man in outstretched pants and with a beer belly, indifferent to his wife, spending almost all day at work and at the computer, and then wondering that his beautiful wife suddenly left.

Try it and you will be surprised how quickly it starts to work: agree instead of arguing. And when you grumble, say: "I love you!" And you will not notice how quarrels will disappear and peace and harmony will reign in the family.

Continue to do what you enjoy and what you were passionate about before marriage. Even if your other half does not share your interests. Dissolving in a loved one, it is so easy to lose both yourself and your interest in yourself. Go to the mountains, embroider, communicate with friends - the main thing is that this is not to the detriment of the family.

There are a lot of such rules and these rules are different for each family. Someone likes to do everything together, to relax together and work side by side, for someone personal freedom is more important; someone is an active traveler, and someone is by nature a homebody. No people are alike and no couples are alike. But the most important thing is to listen to each other and trust, not to lose yourself as a person, and not to try to remake your partner. It is important and just to support each other in any situation, to be friends, partners, lovers, to respect each other and parents. The whole life consists of all these little things. And whether you maintain respect, love and a wonderful marital relationship or not, depends only on you.
