What Is The Most Important Thing In A Girl For A Guy

What Is The Most Important Thing In A Girl For A Guy
What Is The Most Important Thing In A Girl For A Guy

Guys, choosing a soul mate for themselves, are initially determined with the character traits that should be present in it, and men's priorities are always different.

What is the most important thing in a girl for a guy
What is the most important thing in a girl for a guy

What should be the ideal girl?

The first quality that is most appreciated in women by representatives of the stronger sex is intelligence and mental data. However, guys do not like it when girls demonstrate their intellectual superiority over them, which suggests a conclusion: the ideal girl should be quick-witted and smart, but it is better if she carefully hides it.

The second place in the rating of the qualities of the ideal girl is taken by external data. There are no specific standards here, because men have different tastes, but neatness, grooming and neatness are the main components of your image.

In third place are the kindness, care and loyalty of the fair sex. If everything is clear with loyalty and care, there is some disagreement according to kindness. Men emphasize the meaning of this word in different ways. Someone wants to see kindness as tolerance, compassion and ordinary responsiveness, while others regard kindness as altruistic self-sacrifice and humility.

Femininity is another trait of the ideal girl. It includes meekness, tenderness, grace, female weakness and many other qualities. Guys want to see a well-mannered and calm girl next to them. This means that in no case should you indulge in caustic expressions or obscene language. In any dispute, you can defend your point of view, but the opinion of a man should not remain an empty place for you.

A few more qualities that men appreciate in women

In the fifth place in the ranking of the traits of the ideal woman, men put sexuality and the ability to be desired. However, this is not about vulgarity and promiscuity caused by bright makeup and clothing, but about natural sexuality. You should turn a man on even with your eyes, body language and facial expressions.

Plus, the ideal girl should be friendly. There should be a strong bond between you and your significant other, based on friendship and unconditional trust. It is unlikely that you will be able to be happy if in your relationship there are always reservations, quarrels, tantrums and scandals based on jealousy.

It is interesting that thriftiness as an important quality in a woman is distinguished only by a relatively small number of representatives of the stronger sex. They see this ability as just a nice addition to their core set of traits.
