Infant swimming has become very popular these days. The kid grows strong and healthy, and for parents there is a great reason to have fun. Expectant mothers are full of determination, they enjoy reading books and watching videos with babies floating. However, any undertaking does not go without difficulties.

With the birth of a child, a lot of doubts appear, especially if the child is the first. He is so small and defenseless that his parents torment themselves with questions. Where to begin? How to do everything right and not harm the baby? What is most important?
STEP 1. Most important. It does not consist at all in a properly selected set of exercises. And not in the impeccable cleanliness of the bathtub, although this, too, must not be forgotten. You need to start with yourself, with the right inner attitude. Before you go to the bath with your baby, you need to put your thoughts in order. Make sure your decision is correct. Gain confidence in thoughts, eyes and hands. The child is very sensitive to the world around him, his mood directly depends on the state of the adult. Your task is to support and calm your baby with your eyes, emotions, and confident movements.
- STEP 2. Are you in a positive mood? Are you confident? So you can start studying. Before the umbilical wound heals, it is best to bathe your baby in a small, thoroughly washed tub. The child gets used to new conditions, and your smile and gentle touch will make the bathing process pleasant for him. After 1 month, you can start bathing in a large tub. On the Internet, there are a huge variety of tips and training videos on how to teach your baby to swim. However, “it's better to see once,” isn't it? Therefore, you should not be stingy and invite a qualified coach to your home. It is convenient to record the lesson on video and revise it as needed. In addition, during this period, it is useful to gradually adapt the baby to the pool temperature (30-32 degrees). For example, lower the water temperature by one degree every week.
STEP 3. Starting from 2-3 months, you can go on an open swimming - to the pool. By this time, the child is already familiar with the basic exercises, and is also accustomed to the water temperature of about 30 degrees. Training requires a lot of strength, so it is important to properly prepare the baby. In order for the classes to take place in a good mood, he must be well-fed and slept. Gradually, the baby will master more and more complex exercises and delight parents with new victories.
So, patience and a positive attitude are the main ingredients for the success of infant swimming. Turn the process into an exciting and fun game, and the results will not be long in coming.