The Most Important Thing Is Calmness

The Most Important Thing Is Calmness
The Most Important Thing Is Calmness

Think how often we have to be nervous, how often this uncomfortable state poisons our lives. If your hands are shaking and your heart is beating faster before a public speech, if, entering the boss's office, you feel that your palms are wet, if any responsible decision causes heaviness in your soul, then our simple tips will be useful to you.

The most important thing is calmness
The most important thing is calmness

First, let's figure out what causes such a state in a person. It is extremely rare that such experiences are caused by a direct threat to life, more often we are afraid to be ridiculed, misunderstood by others. Often, our body itself gives tips on how to calm down. Many of us start walking from corner to corner in search of a solution. The explanation for this is very simple: a stressful situation caused a rush of adrenaline in the blood, its excess made the heart beat faster, and blood pressure increased.

Intense movement causes the amount of this hormone to decrease, so do a few squats, inhale and exhale deeply several times, you will immediately feel calmer. Now try to express calmness outwardly: do not fiddle with a sheet of paper or a pencil, do not tap a nervous rhythm with your foot, etc. The state of external calmness will gradually bring about psychological comfort. And now the main thing is the mood for victory! Look at the situation from the outside, imagine yourself as a spectator in the hall who is watching what is happening on stage.

Note how excellent you look in this game, with what attention they listen to your report, how confidently you answer on the exam, in a word, draw yourself a winner in this situation! You will succeed! Forward!
