What Is The Most Important Thing In Friendship

What Is The Most Important Thing In Friendship
What Is The Most Important Thing In Friendship

Friendship sometimes for decades, and sometimes for the rest of life, unites people. Sometimes it is even stronger than love. It is not for nothing that they say "friends do not spill water." There are moments in life when only a friend will understand and help. And the most important thing in friendship is dedication, sincerity, understanding.


Betrayal has no place in strong friendships

Friendship can begin in school years, or even earlier. The people she brought together know almost everything about their friend. And this is a great responsibility. The ability to keep the secrets of a friend's personal life is worth a lot. It is often difficult not to say too much in a simple conversation with neighbors or acquaintances. And the word is not a sparrow, and what has been said cannot be reversed. This can sometimes lead to a deep rift in good old friendships. Recovering a friend's trust may not always be easy.

There are times when the best friends who have eaten together more than one pound of salt, having quarreled for some, often trifling reason, in a fit of anger commit betrayal. And friendship and betrayal are completely incompatible, polar concepts. The latter can overnight irrevocably destroy the friendship nurtured over the years. Therefore, it is worth overcoming this all-destructive feeling of anger in moments of conflict and remembering all the beautiful things that friendship with this person gave you.

Sincerity of friends

Friendship is always built on mutual sincerity. This applies to friendly relations and common interests arising from them. If some speck of lies has crept in, then over time it will certainly grow into a big ball and crush your friendship. Moreover, all the secret sooner or later becomes clear.

However, it should be borne in mind that every person, even bosom friends, needs personal space. Without it, you can simply suffocate. Sometimes you really want to be alone, and your friend should understand this and not get hysterical. Otherwise, there will be a moment of explosion in your friendship. And the consequences can be very different.


“Friends are known in trouble,” says popular wisdom. In difficult moments of life, a friend's vest is so necessary to cry into it. A true friend will always listen, understand, and, if necessary, help to survive a personal crisis. An important point in this is the ability to listen. And not just listen, but hear the voice of a friend. You don't always want to listen to the "nuns" even of your friend, especially when everything in your life is wonderful. But to make an effort on oneself in this case means to preserve friendship. No one in this life is immune from the black streak. Life is like a zebra: a black stripe gives way to a white stripe. Today you supported your friend, and tomorrow he will let you cry into his waistcoat and lend a friendly shoulder.
