The supermarket is a great place not only for daily shopping, but also for meeting girls. After all, where else can you not only meet them in such a quantity, but also make a preliminary opinion about the economy of a hypothetical future life partner.

Step 1
If you decide to meet a girl in a supermarket, try to do it at the end of the working day or on weekends. After all, one of the main problems when meeting in a store is time constraints. Queues in departments and at the checkout will give you an extra half hour to get to know each other better.
Step 2
As soon as you notice a girl you like, do not rush to immediately approach her. Watch her for a while. See what products she chooses, what mood she is in, in a hurry or not. Your observations will allow you to come up with a reason for a future acquaintance.
Step 3
Try to catch the eye of your chosen one and meet her gaze. Best of all, smile and look at her with interest, but not intrusive. If you get even a hint of a smile in return, that's a good sign.
Step 4
Now let the girl evaluate you from afar. To do this, go out towards her trajectory of movement, stand in one turn, put in your basket products similar to those that she chose.
Step 5
Choose a convenient moment and start dating. When you are near, ask casually: "What kind of rice is best for pilaf?" or "What cheese is better for wine?" You will need your initial observations of the girl when choosing a topic of conversation. It is better if you stand to the side, slightly bowing your head to her, and turn your whole body towards the girl only when she is the first to do it. This will mean that the girl is open to communication and is subconsciously ready to get to know you.
Step 6
Try to move from shopping to another topic. Compliment, joke. Observe the girl's reaction. If she is smiling, sociable, then you are moving in the right direction. Find out if the girl lives far away and offer to help carry her bags home or give a ride if you are driving.
Step 7
If the girl is willing to support the conversation, most likely she is interested in you and she does not mind seeing you again. Ask her for a phone number or invite her to the cinema, cafe, for a walk. Show that you are interested in her as a woman, but don't overdo it. Do not offer to cook dinner together or ask for a visit. Excessive persistence can scare your chosen one and nullify all your efforts.