5 Types Of Women You Shouldn't Mess With

5 Types Of Women You Shouldn't Mess With
5 Types Of Women You Shouldn't Mess With

Every man has his own image of the ideal woman, but few people know which types should be avoided on their way. Some girls disguise themselves well, and many can be recognized already on the first date. There are several types of women with whom it is almost impossible to build a long and harmonious relationship.

5 types of women you shouldn't mess with
5 types of women you shouldn't mess with

Mercantile huntress

For this lady, only financial position, social status, generosity are important. She will be ready to talk to a man all day long about how beautiful and unique he is, while at the same time pulling money for another new handbag or dress. She perceives herself as a gift, and a man as her sponsor, ready at any time to fork out for her new whim or fulfill the most incredible desire. But if the chosen one has financial problems, he will immediately evaporate, rushing to meet a new dream. Many men find it difficult to resist such beauties, but they will be cute only as long as the sponsor has enough funds. Therefore, such a relationship can hardly be called promising.

Get married at any cost

This type is not difficult to recognize. Usually, signs appear after a couple of dates. If the chosen one is in a hurry to move to you to live together or constantly hints at the birth of a child, this is already a cause for concern. Such women will go to great lengths to get the coveted "yes" in the registry office and be no worse than their friends. At the same time, it is not so important whether the chosen one loves her or not, the main thing is that the goal is achieved. If the man is reluctant to tie the knot, she switches to the next potential groom. Usually, after marriage, a woman loses interest in the object. In this case, there is no longer a question of good relations between a man and a woman.

Overly attached

If at the beginning of a relationship, endless requests and confessions can please and bring a feeling of being needed to a person, then after a short time, excessive attention becomes unbearable. For such women, a man is the only raison d'être. In the next relationship, the lady dives headlong, making the center of the universe only her chosen one. Usually she is easy to distinguish by the absence of friends, since she spends all her attention on constantly finding out the whereabouts of the man and what he is doing at that moment. If you ignore messages and calls, she immediately falls into hysterics, and reacts too emotionally to any doubt about the sincerity of feelings. A man in such a relationship is literally suffocating from the lack of personal space. You should not waste your time on such a relationship, since they will not lead to anything good.

Infantile manipulator

A woman of this type is not able to cope with any serious problem. She does not understand any global issues, in most situations she feels like a helpless child who urgently needs help. Caress and attention should be an indispensable attribute of this relationship. In this case, a woman sometimes has the only and indisputable advantage - beauty. Apart from good looks, they usually have nothing to offer. But with age, features that seemed cute and naive turn into silly and boring ones.

In extreme cases, infantilism can be accompanied by a talent for manipulation and the ability to cry where it is needed. It is even more difficult to get rid of such specimens, because the process can be complicated by threats towards the man. In a fit of emotions, a woman can lose control and harm not only the chosen one, but also herself. Before starting such a relationship, you need to think carefully about whether this is all necessary.

Desperate "not a housewife"

With this woman, you should forget about home comfort and cleanliness. Laziness in this regard can grow to unimaginable sizes, then all household chores will fall on men's shoulders. After a hard day at work, he will no longer be able to calmly rest in his home and enjoy homemade food, because you first have to do all this yourself. Cooking, washing and cleaning the house will become the responsibility of the man.

Moreover, laziness refers not only to household chores, but also to the appearance of a woman. Why waste your precious time on procedures, because a man should love her for who she is. If this is added to exaggerated self-esteem, then with such a woman, existence becomes unbearable. A man should fulfill any whim just because she allowed him to be around.

There are many more types that can complicate a man's life. The main thing is not to dwell on each other's shortcomings, but to grow and develop together. Then you can close your eyes to minor flaws.
