7 Things Women Shouldn't Write About Themselves On Dating Sites

7 Things Women Shouldn't Write About Themselves On Dating Sites
7 Things Women Shouldn't Write About Themselves On Dating Sites

In the profile on dating sites, you need to present yourself more profitably than others, demonstrate your uniqueness, hook another person. There is fierce competition and clear rules of the game on such services. If you signed up there, be prepared to fulfill them. In this case, the chance to find the "right" person increases significantly.

7 things women shouldn't write about themselves on dating sites
7 things women shouldn't write about themselves on dating sites

Template phrases and clichés when filling out a questionnaire

Remember, your main goal is to showcase your uniqueness. Template phrases like “I like to read, watch movies and go to the theater” do not catch on at all and do not give any information about you. Such proposals seem too generalized and banal, repulsive.

Reveal your real self, write sincerely. If you love watching movies, tell us about your favorite genres and give some examples. If your tastes coincide, they will almost certainly be interested in you. It is important for each of us to find someone with similar interests and values. Someone who really understands.

In addition, refrain from quotations when filling out the questionnaire. If a man, aiming at a serious relationship, sees in the profile of a beautiful lady hammered quotes like “a woman - sounds proud, looks beautiful, smells nice and tweaks his nerves skillfully”, he will most likely immediately leave this profile and continue searching. It looks silly and childish.

Finding a partner exclusively for building a family and having children

Such statements not only look pathetic, but can also scare away. A man will want to build a family with you only after he sees a formed personality and falls in love with her. So far, you are nothing more than a profile on a dating site. The desire to create a strong family is great, but first you need to find a worthy person, and only after that share your plans and dreams with him.

Awakening interest in a man through empathy for you

If your profile contains phrases like “I’m so tired of looking for a real man”, “I had a very difficult relationship with my ex, from which I still have not recovered” - delete them immediately. Nobody likes whiny people, the first man they come across will never solve your problems. Such profiles leave an unpleasant aftertaste, avoid it. After all, dating sites are registered to establish pleasant relationships in every sense, and not to provide someone with psychological assistance.

Requirements from the series "a man should"

Many women mistakenly believe that if they write in plain text about their desire for a man to take them to expensive restaurants and give them flowers every week, it will weed out bankrupt men. In fact, this is more likely to alienate the majority of adequate partners. Remember, no man owes you anything.

Even if you signed up for a relationship of convenience site, it is unlikely that anyone will be happy if your first questions are about income. This will not be sincerity, but rudeness. After all, you will have to communicate with a person, and not with a man's wallet.

Inaccurate information about yourself

We all love to embellish reality, to show it from a more advantageous side for us. No matter how strong the temptation to reduce your age, to boast of an ideal figure and long wavy hair, you should write only the truth. Remember, someone is looking for just a person like you.

Exaggeration in some of the facts is permissible if you plan to communicate exclusively online. If you are going to meet with the interlocutor live, the exposed deception will quickly lead to a loss of interest on his part.

No mystery for men

You don't need to tell everything about your life inside out. What school did they go to, what topic was the thesis on, who the parents work for, how many rooms are in the apartment. It's boring and time-consuming; not everyone can read a full autobiography. In addition, you run the risk of being left without a single topic of conversation.

Please do not disturb "unworthy" men

You should avoid using such expressions in your questionnaire: “Please do not bother me if you are unemployed, an alcoholic, without an apartment and a car, weigh more than 80 kg. Stop writing to me. I'm looking for a normal man."

These phrases look extremely uncivilized and tactless. Most likely, these such words will alienate a worthy man. Do not focus on the negative, but rather tell us what qualities will be preferable for you.

Excess information about yourself

Filling out a questionnaire on a dating site, girls talk too much about what they are interested in. You should be a little wiser and write in this line what a man might be interested in. Perhaps you are soccer-savvy or fishing enthusiast. Be sure to include this information.

These tips will surely help you find a life partner. Love and be loved.
