Potty training is an important stage in a child's life. And all parents wonder when and how best to master this process.

The process of getting used to the pot is individual for each child. Do not rush things, watch the crumb and act in stages.
- You can start getting to know the pot from the moment when the child has learned to sit confidently (after 8-9 months).
- At first, let your baby just play with the pot, let him get used to the new object.
- Tell and show your baby how to use the pot. Take a rubber toy and pour some water into it. Play and tell that the toy wants to go to the toilet. Place her on a pot and press to make some water flow. Praise the toy happily for the result.
- A few days after the first meeting, try to put the baby himself on the pot. With the sounds "writing-writing-writing" and "ah-ah" call him to action.
- Don't force your toddler to sit on the potty if he doesn't want to. Postpone training for a few days and then continue.
- Observe at what moments the child usually goes to the toilet. The most common time is after eating, sleeping or walking. Before emptying, children usually calm down, become focused, and stop playing. Seize the moment!
- Do not leave the crumbs on the pot for more than 5 minutes. Please continue playing and try again later.
- Praise your child for the slightest achievement. After all, thanks to this, he will be able to understand that he did everything right.
- The pot is not a toy; you should not buy fancy devices with musical accompaniment or in the form of toys.
- Until about 1.5 years old, the baby is still not able to control the processes of urination and defecation, so do not try to exclude diapers. Just try to make the pot a familiar thing for him. Your task is to consolidate the crumbs' understanding of what the pot is for.
- From 1, 5 years of age, children become sensitive to the filling of the bladder and rectum. This indicates the onset of the child's physiological readiness for the potty. During this time, you may notice that your baby can stay dry for more than 2 hours.
- The last step is to consolidate the results. After a few months of training, the baby will begin to ask for the pot himself. However, this does not mean that you can forget about wet pants. In case of failure, do not scold the baby. Calmly explain that next time you need to go to the potty.
Good luck to everyone in comprehending the "pot" science!