On the fortieth anniversary of married life, it is customary to arrange a celebration called the ruby wedding. To live 40 years in a happy marriage is already a real talent. Ruby wedding is a holiday of long and beautiful love that has passed through all the obstacles of fate and difficulties of family life. Therefore, it is necessary for the spouses to celebrate her so that the celebration will be remembered by them and all the guests present at it.

Step 1
You can celebrate a ruby wedding both at home and in a pre-ordered restaurant. Invite all your relatives and close friends, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to the celebration. Decorate the selected room with red and pink curtains, festive ribbons, bows, garlands, heart balloons.
Step 2
Lay beautiful tablecloths decorated with red ornaments on the tables. Place on them original vases with scarlet flowers and live branches, with raspberries, cherries, rose hips, red currants hanging on them. Decorate festive tables with dishes with red berry or floral painting, scarlet napkins.
Step 3
Do not forget to take care of the celebration menu. It's hard to imagine a ruby wedding without good red wine. Only it will make the guests at the holiday even softer, more sociable and more fun. Choose natural or unfortified wine so that it does not negatively affect the health and behavior of guests. You can offer your guests home-made wine: strawberry, cranberry, raspberry, cherry, grape, currant.
Step 4
Try to find room for red and holiday foods. For dessert, serve your guests beautiful red jelly or marmalade, fresh berries in vases, such as cherries or strawberries, berry mousses and fruit drinks. Don't forget the chic wedding cake decorated with the number 40, honeymoon figurines, a couple of doves or wedding rings.
Step 5
To make your celebration fun, interesting and unforgettable, invite a toastmaster to your ruby wedding. A real professional will select the most suitable contests for the holiday, tell wedding jokes, give each guest the opportunity to congratulate a happy married couple, and organize the celebration itself.
Step 6
Everywhere and in everything throughout the entire celebration of the ruby wedding, red should prevail, as a symbol of eternal and sincere love.