Teaching Your Toddler To Use The Potty

Teaching Your Toddler To Use The Potty
Teaching Your Toddler To Use The Potty

Parents teach their baby to potty to get rid of diapers and their costs. Also, from the moment the child masters the pot, there is less washing and hassle. Some of the mothers try to do this as early as possible, while others postpone the use of the pot to a later date.

Teaching your toddler to use the potty
Teaching your toddler to use the potty

You need to understand that the process of getting used to the pot takes additional time. Parents should have this time on a regular basis. The process will drag on if you do it only on the weekend, for example.

Here are some points that can help parents

  • A kid, like any person, experiences different emotions. Training should be done when the child is in a good mood, he is not irritated, does not want to sleep, or is not sick.
  • Sitting on the potty makes more sense when the child is just awake or when he has eaten. Perhaps the baby in some other way will make it clear that it is "time".
  • If the process went well, we try to show our joy, praise the baby. The manifestation of positive emotions will have a good effect on strengthening the habit.
  • If it did not work out "to carry out our plans", then we do not focus on this. The child does not need to see your upset. Moreover, do not scold the kid!
  • It's good if the baby can see and learn to understand the whole process. How we take out the pot, how we take off the panties, how we put them on later, how we free the pot from the contents and remove it. If the procedure turns into an interesting ritual in which mommy communicates with the child and pronounces each stage, the child will quickly remember the whole sequence.
  • We accustom the baby to a certain daily routine. Always place your child on the potty before walking and before going to bed.
  • The color and shape of the pot doesn't really matter as long as the pot is sized correctly. It is important that the baby treats the pot not as a toy, but as an object for a specific purpose.
  • If the baby did not wear diapers, or did not wear them often, then the learning process will go faster. If the child has been in diapers for more time, then for some time he will make puddles and piles on the floor.
  • The older the child and the more time he spends naked, the easier the process of getting used to the pot will be. For example, it takes a month or two to potty train a child at the age of one. If the baby is more than two years old, then the process usually takes one to two weeks.
