Teaching Your Child To Share Toys

Teaching Your Child To Share Toys
Teaching Your Child To Share Toys

Children with a small age difference have similar interests and games. Children often swear and cannot share toys. Raising children of the same age is not an easy task. After all, every child needs an individual approach.

Teaching your child to share toys
Teaching your child to share toys

Rivalry between children arises for various reasons and most often manifests itself in play. If children are reluctant to share toys, then this indicates that they are fighting for the attention of their parents. The older child tries to show his superiority and draw the attention of his parents to himself, and the younger child, imitating the behavior of the older one, adopts the style of behavior.

It also occurs when parents, some of the children feel sorry for more (the youngest child, the girl), because of this, jealousy between children grows in the hearth. Understand that bad behavior doesn't just happen. Children are like a blank slate, they are not born with a certain set of knowledge. For the first year and a half of life, they observe and learn patterns of behavior, they look at their parents playing children on the street and, on the basis of the data obtained, in the future they build their own model of behavior.

Try to teach your child to share as early as possible by asking the other child for permission to play with the toy. If the child does not give up the toy, then offer him another. By giving clear instructions in the game, children will lay the foundations and principles of collective play.

Starting from two and a half years, it is already possible to teach a child to play with toys in turn, the task of an adult is to establish rules and monitor their implementation. If the child is aggressive, stop him. Showing that it is impossible to show such emotions.

The main thing is to show a good example. Be patient, do not take toys by force, even when you are irritated and angry with them. By following these rules, you can defeat the rivalry between children and teach them how to share.
