Sooner or later, the question will arise - how to teach a child to clean up toys after themselves? This is an important skill and is best taught before entering kindergarten. Why? In kindergarten, it is compulsory to fold toys, a chair and clothes. In addition, such accuracy is another plus to independence. The best age to teach a child to clean toys is from one and a half to three years. It's great if it grows into a kind of family ritual or tradition. Of course, each child is unique in its own way, but, nevertheless, there are some general guidelines that will be useful.

Step 1
The child must be taught by example, that is, the parents themselves must keep their things in order. Remember that children love to repeat after you.
Step 2
Start cleaning with your child. On the first day, he can remove one toy, and you - all the rest. Gradually increase the number of toys that he needs to put away, and the day will come when he will put the toys away.
Step 3
If the child plays in the evening, it is better to finish the game before he gets tired, so that he still has the strength to clean.
Step 4
Try to put away toys with imagination. For example, if your child loves listening to music, you can turn it on and hide under it. Or ask him to put the toys away so they can rest. It is also interesting to arrange a competition between you and the child - who will remove the toys faster and more.
Step 5
Equip a "greedy box" in the room. It is necessary to put into it all the toys that the child has not put away, and give them out only after a week, explaining this by the fact that “you didn’t remove this toy, so you don’t need it, so she was offended by you”.
Step 6
Remember to put away toys every day, not just when you're in a good mood.
Step 7
Buy several boxes for different toys at once and color them brightly. In this case, each toy will have its own place.
Step 8
Praise your child each time for putting the toys away on their own.
Step 9
Talk to your child correctly and let him understand that he is not you, but you are helping him to clean the toys.