Where To Put Toys

Where To Put Toys
Where To Put Toys

As soon as a child appears in the house, in addition to other concerns, parents begin to worry about the problem of cleaning toys. The older the baby, the more of them, and everything needs to be folded somewhere. Even if you throw away or give away some of the toys, the rest will still take up a lot of space.

Where to put toys
Where to put toys

Small child toys can be stored in a large basket or container. This can be a special container in the form of an animal or another character, but you can also use ordinary plastic baskets sold in hardware stores. The wider the container, the more convenient it is to put toys in it, and the baby himself will cope with this. A grown-up child has many smaller toys that need to be kept in order - puzzles, constructors, accessories for modeling and drawing, toy soldiers, etc., therefore, get a spacious chest of drawers for it, a cabinet with shelves or shelves with containers. In this case, you can put large soft toys, cars, etc. into large baskets. Until your child learns how to put their own things away, help them out and lead by example by putting everything neatly in their place. Try making a toy storage yourself. For example, assemble a shelf from chipboard sheets and fix it on the wall, at the baby's level. For small items, purchase several plastic grocery containers with tight-fitting lids and arrange them on the shelves, or use a bucket as a convenient place to store your toys. Soldiers, balls, kinder toys and other little things fit perfectly in it, in addition, it has a comfortable handle. Teach your toddler to put them in one place after playing, do not start a new fun until all the toys are removed. Get a convenient toy bag with rings. Hang it from a wall or ceiling so that the hole is at the level of the child, and he will happily fold all his belongings in. To keep the child in order, make the cleaning fun. Find a large box and paste over it with interesting pictures, decorate with bows, origami toys. Be sure to do everything together with the baby, explain to him that this is a house for his toys.
