Scoliosis is a fairly common pathology of the development of the musculoskeletal system in children, which is characterized by lateral curvature of the spine and entails not only defects in posture and chest, but also a violation of the interaction of internal organs, functions of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and in some cases and spinal cord functions. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the disease in a timely manner and make every effort to recover the child.

- - hard bed;
- - orthopedic mattress.
Step 1
Scoliosis is a disease that is easier to prevent than cure. From the very birth of a child, it is necessary to deal with the prevention of spinal deformity. Timely laying on the tummy, the correct orthopedic mattress, monitoring the development of posture, independent study by the baby of basic skills and abilities related to the musculoskeletal system (sitting, standing, walking, etc.), without stimulating these processes with all sorts of devices (pillows, walkers, jumpers, etc.) - these are the basic principles of the formation of a healthy spine.
Step 2
But if you notice signs of scoliosis in a child, urgently consult an orthopedic surgeon who diagnoses the degree of curvature of the spine and, depending on this, will select an adequate treatment method. Keep in mind that successful treatment of scoliosis is possible only up to the age of 15, and at a later age, with the help of medical procedures, you can only improve the condition and prevent further development of the disease.
Step 3
As a rule, when scoliosis is detected, children are prescribed individual treatment programs, but the basic techniques are the same for most patients: massage, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy (electrical muscle stimulation and electroacupuncture), with an average degree of curvature of the spine - wearing a corset. Explain to the child that his life will change during treatment, since he will have to regularly perform all the appointments and procedures, as well as temporarily refuse to participate in sports (football, hockey, etc.).
Step 4
It is especially difficult, for the most part psychologically, for children to wear a corset, because it causes complexes, a feeling of inferiority, which can intensify due to ridicule from peers. But you need to understand that corset therapy is the only effective way to treat moderate scoliosis among conservative methods, most of which are of an auxiliary and general strengthening nature. Talk to your child and his friends, explain that a corset is a necessary measure, that everyone may have temporary difficulties, and it is easier to overcome them with the support of friends.
Step 5
Make sure to follow the daily routine prescribed by the doctor and make sure that the child gets enough sleep. His bed should be firm and flat, and for convenience, buy an orthopedic or thin elastic mattress and a thin pillow. Revise the family menu so that the child gets enough vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, zinc, copper and B vitamins.
Step 6
Organize your child an active lifestyle, play in the fresh air and the sun, but avoid activities and sports that are associated with heavy loads on the spine (lifting weights, gymnastics, tennis, etc.). The best sport for scoliosis, which also has a therapeutic effect, is swimming.