The birth of a new life is an exciting event. Preparing for the birth of a baby takes all the thoughts of a mother. In exciting and pleasant experiences, 9 months of waiting imperceptibly pass. The time is coming soon. In our country, paper bureaucracy still dominates, therefore, without properly drawn up documents, a woman in labor risks being left without medical assistance.

Step 1
Passport and medical insurance policy, as well as their copies. You will be asked for these documents first. Russian medical institutions are obliged to provide first aid even without providing these documents. However, in practice, it often happens differently. The absence of these documents upon admission to the hospital can cause difficulties. Therefore, prepare them in advance. If they require replacement, address this issue early in pregnancy.
Step 2
Generic certificate. It should be given to you in the antenatal clinic in which you are being observed, at the 33rd week of pregnancy. The generic certificate contains three tear-off coupons. One of them is for antenatal clinics, the second for the maternity hospital, and the third for the children's clinic. Each institution tears off the coupon intended for it. This is a guarantee of payment by the state for the services rendered to you. Therefore, in the maternity hospital, upon discharge, you must return the certificate.
Step 3
Exchange card. This is the book that was given to you in the antenatal clinic. You took it with you to every appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist. The card contains all the information about the course of your pregnancy. Without fail, it must contain information about vaccinations and fluorography. If this information is not included in the book, take your vaccination certificate and information about the latest fluorography with you.
Step 4
If you have entered into an agreement with the maternity hospital on the provision of paid services, you will need to take it with you along with a receipt for payment for services. Some maternity hospitals provide for the possibility of concluding a paid contract upon admission of a woman in labor.
Step 5
If you are planning a partner birth, your spouse will also need to provide documents: passport and fluorography.