What Is Needed For A Newborn In A Maternity Hospital

What Is Needed For A Newborn In A Maternity Hospital
What Is Needed For A Newborn In A Maternity Hospital

Gathering to the hospital is always an exciting event, so it is advisable to prepare all the necessary things for a newborn in advance, collecting them in a separate bag at the ready.

What is needed for a newborn in a maternity hospital
What is needed for a newborn in a maternity hospital

Specify what exactly will be required to care for the baby at the hospital of your choice and what will need to be prepared for the baby to be discharged when you go home. Usually diapers are asked to bring to the maternity hospital, not homemade diapers. Don't buy a lot of them. When choosing diapers, one should take into account the sex of the child, its weight, the reaction of the baby's skin to the material used to make them. Start with a small batch and gauge your baby's reaction. In the maternity hospital, a newborn is usually put on two undershirts: a thin one and a thick one, a diaper, a cap, then the child is wrapped in diapers. Linen is changed every day, several times if necessary. In advanced maternity hospitals, the child is allowed to put on "adult" clothes at once: a T-shirt, overalls, diaper, cap, mittens. In this case, the baby does not need to be swaddled. When it comes time to check out home, it is more convenient to put on a diaper for your baby, rather than a gauze diaper. Panties underwear type, woolen socks. The baby is placed in an envelope, light or warm. Make sure that the clothes and accessories for the child are not so much elegant as they are comfortable for him, so that he does not freeze or overheat, try to provide the baby with maximum comfort. Don't forget to bring a couple of clean handkerchiefs or tissues with you just in case.
