Raising Children Without Screaming

Raising Children Without Screaming
Raising Children Without Screaming

Very often, parents shout at children with or without reason. But is it possible to educate the younger generation in this way? Will the relationship between parents and children improve if you constantly shout at them?

Raising children without screaming
Raising children without screaming

Margaret Thatcher said very right words: "If you have to prove your authority to others, then you do not have it." When you scream, you lose credibility in the eyes of the child and show him your weakness. Sometimes, of course, it is worth shouting at children, but the main thing is with what emotions you do it, and for what reason.

Very often, especially for mothers, they yell at the child, because they are tired, upset about something, and through the cry they throw out their emotions. However, the child very often does not understand why they started yelling at him.

Boys and girls need to be raised differently. The father must instill in the future man the basic masculine qualities, one of them is the ability to control his emotions. This quality will enable him to succeed in life. Without this quality, even close people will treat him condescendingly.

If a girl does not understand where different emotions come from and what to do with them, then she drives herself into a real trap of fears and complexes. The girl is a future mother, she will also raise her children.

Parental cry makes children insecure in themselves and in their abilities, makes their psyche unstable. The parent is the main protector in the eyes of the child, and when this protector yells at them, the children do not know what to do.

In order to cope with your bad mood, which breaks out in a cry, you need control over yourself. If you cannot control your emotions, you break into a scream, then you need to at least explain to the child that you are shouting at him not because he is bad, but because he did something wrong. If you can't help it, you can ask your child to remind you that screaming is not good. This will keep your child from screaming somewhat, plus it will create a connection.

Most often, mom screams, so you need to restore maternal strength by means of well-known methods of raising female energy. Take time for yourself, do what you love, go for a massage. Incorporate humor into your life and parenting. When you feel like yelling at your child, change the harsh word for a joke.

Children feel the mood very well. Therefore, it is important to explain to your child that you are not feeling well. If you respect the child, listen to his opinion, his words, then your words, which come from the bottom of your heart, reach him much faster. Remember that swearing will hurt a child very much.
